Marius Stuparu Your Friendly Geek

Father of two and husband of one.

Programmer, Photographer, Videographer.

Tech geek. Electronic music lover. Overall friendly.

Marius Stuparu

About me

Hello, I'm Marius Stuparu and this website acts as a quick bio and online resumée. It shouldn't be taken too seriously, though, this is not my LinkedIn profile. And although there is a lot of hype around AI generated content, I strongly believe a personal presentation should be carried out by the person itself. Hence, these here are my own words.

I am a (somewhat former)* software engineer and multi-disciplinary creative, with the main focus on web development and film-making. My other passions are, first and foremost, my family, comprised of a beautiful wife and two amazing sons, photography, electronic music and all types of technology. I consume large amounts of science fiction, mostly in the form of books and movies. I strongly believe in democracy and the kind of freedom that doesn't infringe on others' freedom.

I started coding in the 1990s, when I was still in school, and I have been doing it ever since, trying and testing and learning many coding languages and tools. As Elrond would put it, "I was there 3000 years ago"! But if I would have remained at BASIC and Pascal level, you could have called me a dinosaur, which I am not (I can't roar anyway). My goal is to learn constantly and add new. modern tools to my virtual belt.

As you will see if you look through my past jobs, I applied the same priciple to my career. Trained as a mechanical engineer, with a Master of Science degree in Computer Assisted Engineering (CAE for short), I moved from graphic design to marketing to web design and development. I did some freelancing too, but I mostly worked for companies, as a full time employee.

* Somewhat former means that, in recent years, I have moved into more people-management and technical leadership roles, but I don't mind (actually, still like) rolling up my virtual sleeves and doing actual coding.


Senior Manager, Software Engineering, R&D systems [ ]

  • Technical leadership of a software development team comprised of cca 20 cross-functional engineers. Coordinating with other remote contractor teams. Using Agile methodologies to develop and maintain a complex cloud-based solution.
  • People manager for 13 engineers of various disciplines and seniorities, taking care of their personal development, career progress, bonuses and incentives.
  • Technical leading major parts of summer internship programs for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. Guiding the engineering interns and helping their development into full-time employees.

In the past

Technical Lead Developer [ ]

Bertrandt Romania

SDK and application development for the multi-media dashboard of a well-known European car maker.


Senior Frontend Developer [ ]

– Working on the webshop rebuild using Angular 10, GraphQL, RxJS and microservices. – Development support for the online chat application available on the website. Using Vue.js with REST services. – Participate in all Agile ceremonies for the projects. – Ensure that CI/CD pupelines related to frontend are working and properly configured for the projects that I am part of. – Worked on the development of a personal documents web application required by Romanian law. User Angular.js with REST services. – Part of a multi-disciplinary team that worked on the new product YOXO by Orange. Developed a CMS application with and REST microservices.

Outsourced at Orange Romania by Cegeka Romania


Software Engineer [ ]

Freelance work for various clients, building and deploying websites, web applications.


Frontend Lead Developer [ ]

Since Feb. 2019, Frontend Lead Developer

Jul. 2018 – Jan. 2019, Senior Software Developer

Cross-platform mobile applications developer, working with Angular and Ionic on top of a Java-based backend stack.


Senior Front-End Developer [ ]

Part of an Agile team developing a smart-home control mobile application for Hager. Technology stack included Angular, Ionic and Node.js


Senior Front-End Developer [ ]

Customize existing applications or develop new PoC apps for the North America sales team. Working mostly with Node.js, Knockout.js, Angular.js, REST services and many Oracle products.


Senior Front-End Developer [ ]

Magento front-end development for Nestlé Dolce Gusto global redesign. Developing in PHP (Magento), JavaScript, Less and Vagrant. Outsourced at Optaros Inc. by RINF.


UI Designer / Front-end Developer [ ]

Building application interfaces and websites for various projects, using some of the latest technologies like Responsive Web Design, HTML5, CSS3, Sass / Compass, JavaScript / CoffeeScript.


Front-end Developer [ ]

Developed the AeL framework for iOS devices, using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript and Adobe Edge Animate.


Art Director [ ]

Design marketing materials and packaging for movie titles from Home Entertainment and Theatrical departments.


Web Designer [ ]

Frontend development of a game title (“Treasure Hunters Institute”), using xHTML, CSS and jQuery.


Graphic Designer [ ]

Almost every marketing material for Ziarul Financiar, Business Magazin, Target, PRO TV Magazin, The One, Ce se intampla Doctore?, ProSport, Gandul, Time Out Bucuresti, ProMotor, Descopera and some other publications.


Graphic & Web Designer [ ]

Graphic and web design for the Corporate Communication department.


DTP [ ]

Digital layout and pre-press for Bolero, a women’s “pocket glossy” magazine.


DTP [ ]

Digital layout for “Sport Plus” magazine. From 2003 (issue 0) through 2005 as full-time employee, then from 2005 until the title closed in 2006 as part-time emplyee.


DTP [ ]

DTP, pre-press for the biggest printing house in my home county.


My software technology stack

  • Web Apps
  • DevOps
  • IoT
  • Project
  • Amazon Web Services
    cloud hosting IaaS automation
  • Angular
    language backend
  • Astro
    static website
  • Azure
    cloud hosting IaaS automation
  • Campaign Monitor
    newsletters email marketing
  • CircleCI
    automation continuous integration deployment
  • Confluence
  • Docker
    tools automation deployment
  • ECMA Script 6
    frontend language
  • Fastify
    development rest api framework
  • Figma
    ui prototyping design
  • Flask
    backend rest framework
  • Git
    tools versioning deployment
  • GraphQl
    api microservices
  • Hugo
    static website
  • Jasmine
    unit testing
  • Jira
    tools task management
  • Kibana
    monitoring elk stack logs
  • LinkedIn
  • Linux
  • Logstash
    logs elk stack
  • MariaDB
    database sql rdbms
  • MongoDB
    database document json
  • NestJS
    tools application server rest
  • NginX
    tools hosting web server
  • NodeJS
    tools application server
  • Open AI
  • Python
    language backend desktop automation
  • Raspberry Pi
    hardware platform linux automation
  • React JS
    frontend framework
  • Sass
    frontend styling
  • Swagger
    api rest docummentation
  • Teams
  • TypeScript
    frontend language
  • Z-Wave
    hardware protocol automation

Some of my best projects

Check out more projects in the archive.
  • Software
  • Photo & Video
  • Music

single page app hugo alpine.js circle ci

Set for Love Special 2020

Set for Love Special 2020

dj set livestream multiple cameras fundraising deep & progressive

Domovea v2

Domovea v2

mobile app iot ionic node.js

Hager / Sii Romania
Smart Classroom IoT Demo

Smart Classroom IoT Demo

raspberry pi iot angular node.js ibeacon

Romanian American University
The Romanian Blouse Photoshoot

The Romanian Blouse Photoshoot

ethnic costume photoshoot traditions

Dolce Gusto global relaunch

Dolce Gusto global relaunch

ecommerce magento 1 javascript php less

Nestlé / Optaros Inc.